Friday, May 23, 2008

Cannes - Map

This is a map of the area. The Palais is the venue where all of the premieres are held. Huge "Cannes 2008" sign on the front, massive steps with red carpet. It's near the water at the west end of the Croisette. A few blocks to the east is the Carlton Hotel. That's where all of the major studios have their offices. Kind of like a Four Seasons. I've only been in the studio suites, which are pretty nice. Everyone stays at the other hotels along the Croisette - Majestic, Miramar, The Grand, Martinez... those look fabulous from the outside (the French are very concerned with appearances) but most have rooms that are more on par with a Travel Lodge. Our hotel is quite comfortable. It sits off the beaten path, just a bit, about a 10 minute walk to the Carlton. The Croisette hotels are mob scenes. Celebrities, publicists, journalists, security, fans... sometimes it's hard to push through the crowds. I like being able to retreat to our (relatively) quiet lobby, where we have the run of the place. The staff are quite polite and accommodating and - most importantly - we have wifi and power outlets.

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