Thursday, November 13, 2008

This is not a vacation

I got about 3 hours of sleep, and was up and talking to the LA office a full hour before my 7:30 wake-up call. Not intentionally, mind you. I would have loved to sleep in, but I'm on some funky sleep schedule. A nap during the day, and a few hours of sleep at night. Kind of like Cannes, just sleeping when there's a little down-time. Hopefully I'll get into some kind groove. Probably the day I leave.

Walking back from the gym I noticed the stunning views from the hall windows. The Atlantis on the Palm Jumeirah in the distance, Pierchic out over the water, Jumeirah Beach, abras, buggys, guests playing by the pool, in the waves and along the walkways... and here I am, hittin' the gym at 8 am, talking biz-ness with my boss, checking my blackberry every 5 minutes. I was patting myself on the back, all impressed with my industriousness. However, as I passed a couple in the hall, it hit me: I'm not on vacation.

I SHOULD be getting up at 7. I SHOULD be checking my e-mail every 5 minutes. I SHOULD be in my room on my computer, instead of lounging by the pool. It's my job. Not a bad one, either. I'm pretty happy. :)

1 comment:

Gordon said...

You're not fooling anyone, you know :)